
A Story of Almendros tells the tale of a man tormented by an overwhelming desire for almonds. And not just any almonds – the almonds of the Canyonman.

Drawing on the tradition of magical realism, Almendros looks back in time to southern Spain, where the man’s mother struggles with her own desire for almonds. The Canyonman’s spells hold sway over her life.

Laurence Salzmann’s photos and film illustrate the tale, written and narrated by Brendan I. Jones. With grace and subtlety, Salzmann introduces witches, violinists, young village dancers, and misanthropes in this story of yearning, spells, and enchantment. Almonds, olive trees, and oranges enrich this sensual, stark tale of love. The story points to the larger need – and eventual impossibility – of compromising our own deep-seeded desires.


Gordion at Work 2009


Echele Ganas: Do Your Best 2005-2009