Tlaxcalan Sketches

40 Pages

Photographs by Laurence Salzmann

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These photographs were made during the summer of 1969. A University of Pittsburgh field training grant for anthropologists permitted me a six-week stay in Santa Isabel Xiloxoxlta, a small village on the lower levels of the Malinche extinct volcano.

While learning anthropological field methods I was able to take the series of photographs that are part of my Tlaxcalan Sketches series. Photographs from this work were part of the Mexico Through Foreign Eyes (Mexico visto por ojos extranjeros). Rufino Tamayo Museum, Mexico City, 1992 International Center for Photography, New York, 1993, Armand Hammer Museum of Art & Cultural Center, 1994 and included in the book Mexico Through Foreign Eyes, Harper & Roe 1993.

I later revisited and re-photographed in Santa Isabel in 1971.